Our Minimum Order Requirement is currently $250 plus taxes and shipping ($14.95). Order processing time is approximately 6 weeks.

Limbo GP Rose Picotee (Hybrid/Petunia/Pelleted)

Latin Name: P. hybrida

Item #: 5563148

Grouped product items

Order By Pkt

CAD $4.50
/ Pkt

Order By M

CAD $28.10
/ M
1M = 1,000 Seeds



Suitable for Containers:


Suitable for Small Pots


The only natural dwarf non-stretching grandiflora petunia on the market. Rose with white edged petals. Pelleted seed only. Pkt contains 100 pellets

Well branched plant is covered in huge flowers and recovers well from rain damage. Rose with white edged petals. Plants reach a garden height of 8-10 in/20-25 cm. Pelleted seed only. Pkt contains 100 pellets.

PETUNIA (Grandiflora and Multiflora Singles)

Approx. 210,000 - 280,000 seeds per oz/28 gr. (Annual 12 - 16 in/30 - 41 cm)

GREENHOUSE: Grandifloras for Mother's Day and Easter pot sales are usually sown Dec. 1st. For May - June bedding plant and container sales, sow between Jan. 30th. - Feb. 28th. Seed sown Mar. 1st should produce flowering plants by June 15th. Multifloras are used for mass bedding only.

CULTURE: We use pure Jiffy Mix in our seedling flats, rather than soil mixtures - for better germination. Fill the flat to within 1/4 in/6 mm. from the top and firm (especially the corners), so you don't get erosion when watering. Soak the seed flat thoroughly before sowing, with luke warm water (70°F/21°C) and a good fungicide to prevent disease. Mark the rows 2 in/5 cm apart, and 1/8 in/3 mm deep, 1/2 in/13 mm wide - with the edge of a label or a marking board. If you are sowing several different colors in the same flat - it might be a good idea to place a piece of cardboard across the flat on both sides of the row that you are sowing - to prevent mixtures. Broadcast the seed as thinly as possible in each row. Press the seed firmly into the surface. We do not usually cover with soil - as some colors are light responsive. If you believe in covering the seed - use coarse vermiculite - it retains moisture and allows enough light for proper germination. To conserve moisture, cover seed flats with plastic, glass or paper. For ideal germination soil temp. must be 80°F/27°C (air temp. of 86°F/30°C days and 65°F/l 8°C nights). The soil temp. must not drop below 70°F/21°C. Use bottom heat if possible. Seed will germinate according to color (pinks, blues and whites first - reds last) in 5 - 1 0 days. Do not use cold water- it lowers the soil temp. and weakens tender seedlings. Uncover your seed bed at the first signs of germination, to prevent tall weak seedlings. Grow seedlings cool at 65°F/l8°C. Transplant 4 to 5 weeks after seeding, 1 - 1 1/2 in./3 - 4 cm. apart, and at the same depth as they were when in the seed flat. Grow at 55 - 60°F/13 - 16°C. for stocky plants.

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