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Goldfinger (Carrot/baby & Nantes/hybrid)

Latin Name: Daucus carota var. sativus

Item #: 1290077

Grouped product items

Order By M

CAD $6.60
/ M
  • CAD $4.00 / M (25M to 99M)
  • CAD $2.87 / M (100M to 499M)
  • CAD $1.79 / M (500M to 999M)
  • CAD $1.53 / M (1000M to 4999M)
  • CAD $1.27 / M (5000M)
1M = 1,000 Seeds


49 Days



Use as a baby carrot or as a full grown Nantes. Dark orange uniform cylindrical roots taper to blunt tips. Excellent mature sweet flavor. High yield potential. Pellets available.

Baby Carrot.
49 days.  F1 hybrid.  Fancy, sweet "baby carrot" that has strong vigorous tops, very uniform, dark orange roots, smooth skin, tiny cores and nice blunt tips. Excellent high quality bright orange interiors, distinct tap roots and very high soluble sugar flavor. High yield possibilities of dark orange "mini carrots". Average length 5-6 in/14-15 cm @ 1.1 MS per acre. Replaces Sweet Baby Jane.

Hybrid Nantes
56 days.  F1 hybrid. Matures as a full grown Amsterdam Nantes at 7-8 in/18-20 cm in length @ 0.6 MS seeds or pellets per acre. Dark orange uniform, cylindrical roots taper to blunt tips.  Mature sweet flavor is excellent. Medium sized upright tops are very strong and have a tolerance to bolting. High yeild potential. Stores well for fresh market. An improved Sweet Baby Jane type. 

Pellets available.

MINI - CARROTS for poly bags, processing or freezing

10 lbs./4.5 kg per acre; oz./28 g sows 50 - 60 ft./15 - 18 m (mini-bed)

NOTE: All varieties of carrots are susceptible to several types of unfavorable growing conditions, which affect the shape of the root or crop yield. (a) Sudden weather changes, when the roots are tiny (the size of a baby finger), - late spring frosts, long periods of unseasonably cold weather, and extremely wet or dry conditions, will cause a check in growth, resulting in rough looking carrots. (b) Compacted soil at the crown or shoulder of the young root will cause forked carrots (second growth) at harvest time. Commercial growers should expect this in the spray rows from tractor wheels. Home gardeners should never walk between the rows - use a plank to distribute your weight when weeding. (c) Hairy Roots are caused by improper use of weed controls, too much fertilizer, bad weather in fingerling stage, or a soil borne disease called "rusty root". (d) Cracked Roots - too much moisture before harvest, or over-maturity. Watch those hybrids, they mature fast.

CULTURE: Normal sized carrots require deep sandy loam for best results, but mini-carrots can be grown in shallow top soil (4 - 5 in./10 - 12 cm.) Soil should be roto-tilled about 8 in./20 cm. deep. pH of 6.0 to 7.0 is ideal. Sow as early as soil and weather conditions permit. Carrot seed requires 6 - 14 days @ a minimum soil temp. of 60°F/16°C. Scatter seed thicker than regular carrots in bands 2 in./5 cm. wide, spacing seeds about 1/16 in./2 mm. apart in all directions, (10 - 12 seeds per ft./30 cm.) in rows 16 in./40 cm. apart. Sow @ 1/8 to 1/4 in./3 - 6 mm. deep, cover with fine soil and firm lightly. Do not firm clay soils - do not allow the ground to crust. Make successive sowings from early spring, to the first week of Aug. This prevents risk of weather damage, and provides a continuous supply of tender young carrots throughout the season. When cultivating, keep the shoulders of the carrot roots covered, as they develop - to prevent "green shoulders".

FERTILIZE twice, when plants are 3 to 4 in./8 - 10 cm tall and when they are 6 to 8 in./ 15 - 20 cm tall --- scattering a 6 to 8 in./15 - 20 mm. band of 5 - 10 - 10 along each side of the row @ 5 oz./140 g per 10 ft./3 m of row.

HARVEST from Sept. - Nov. Mature topped carrots can be stored in moist sand for 4 - 5 months 32°F/0°C and 90 % humidity.

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